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01865 570760

Standard Total Knee Replacement
from £6800
Why have your total knee replacement with Budapest Orthopaedics?
UK surgeon and anaesthetists registered with the General Medical Council (GMC) in the UK
Best performing implants licenced both in the UK and EU
Affordable at about 60 % of the typical UK price
You can choose a custom made knee replacement for less than a standard one in the UK
What is total knee replacement?
A total knee replacement replaces the joint surface of the bottom of the thighbone and the top of the shinbone. The kneecap may also be resurfaced. The artificial knee is made of metal components that are secured to the bone using special bone cement. A polyethylene insert fixed to the metal tray of the shinbone component acts as the gliding surface. The kneecap button is made of the same polyethylene.
Do I need a total knee replacement?
Total knee replacement is the ultimate solution for the pain caused by arthritis in the joint. In the first instance though you should try to manage your pain with lifestyle changes, exercise and medication. If you still cannot walk as much as you would like because of pain or cannot sleep the time has come to consider surgery. The NJR decision support tool can help you get an idea of what you can expect from the surgery.
What are the benefits?
Pain relief. You need to exercise the knee gently so the inflammation and swelling can gradually settle down.
Range of movement improves over time, although this may take longer if you had a very stiff knee to start with.
Your mobility should improve gradually and if there are no other limiting conditions you should be able to walk a few miles after 6 weeks.
Correction of bowed or knock knee. The surgery should restore normal alignment of the knee.
What is involved?
Preparing for your operation
You need to be as fit as possible to minimise the risk of complications and to ensure a speedy and smooth recovery. You will have a pre-assessment to identify any correctable abnormalities such as high blood pressure and anaemia​.
You will have access to the moveUP service to prepare you for your joint replacement journey with base line measurements, pre-surgery exercises and to provide personalised rehabilitation afterwards.
Surgical procedure
Knee replacement requires a general or spinal anaesthetic and the consultant carrying this out will discuss with you which one is best considering your circumstances and preferences.
During surgery a 6-8 inch long cut is made over the front of the knee and the joint is exposed.
The damaged joint surfaces are removed via a series of cutting jigs and the bone is ​prepared for the artificial components. The implants are fixed to the bone using special bone cement. To conclude the operation the soft tissues and the skin are carefully closed with dissolvable sutures.
We aim to get you out of bed on the day of your operation. We will keep you comfortable using the least possible amount of pain medication. Our physiotherapists will show you how to get in and out of bed safely and the use of any walking aid you may require. Most patients leave hospital after one or two nights.
You can walk and use your knee as you are comfortable.
What are the risks?​​​
The overall benefit of surgery should far outweigh the risks, but it is important that you understand these in detail so you can make an informed decision. Learn more.