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Custom Made Total Knee Replacement
What is a custom made knee replacement?
Off the shelf knee replacements come in a series of sizes, but all have the same shape. This works well for about 80% of patients, but about 1 in 5 still have discomfort, stiffness or instability which is largely due to the compromises the surgeon is forced to make when fitting the off the shelf implant into the knee using conventional instruments.
A custom made knee replacement is manufactured for each patient individually based on a CT scan so it fits perfectly. The bone is also prepared using patient-specific 3D printed cutting jigs providing unparalleled accuracy.
What are the benefits?
All knee replacements aim to provide pain relief, increase range of movement and correct bow or knock knee deformities.
Custom made knee replacements have the added benefits of an even higher success rate.
There is less bleeding as the the canal of the thighbone does not need to be opened.
No overhang of the implants as they are designed to your anatomy.
More natural feel to the knee.
What is involved?
You will need a CT scan which is used to design your implants and 3D printed cutting jigs to fit the implant into the knee. Following the scan it will take about 6 weeks to manufacture your knee prosthesis components and the other single use custom made items.
Preparing for your operation
You need to be as fit as possible to minimise the risk of complications and to ensure a speedy and smooth recovery. You will have a pre-assessment to identify any correctable abnormalities such as high blood pressure and anaemia. You will have access to the moveUP service to prepare you for your joint replacement journey with pre-surgery exercises and help your rehabilitation afterwards.
Surgical procedure
Knee replacement surgery requires a general or spinal anaesthetic.
During surgery a 6-7 inch long cut is made over the front of the knee and the joint is exposed. The damaged joint surfaces are removed and the bone is prepared for the artificial components using your own 3D printed cutting jigs. The implants are fixed to the bone using special bone cement. To conclude the operation the soft tissues and the skin are carefully closed with dissolvable sutures.
We aim to get you out of bed on the day of your operation. We will keep you comfortable using the least possible amount of pain medication. Our physiotherapists will show you how to get in and out of bed safely and the use of any walking aid you may require. Most patients leave hospital after one or two nights.
You can walk and use your knee as you are comfortable. The moveUP service will help you during your recovery with personalised exercises and information.
What are the risks?
Serious complications are overall rare and the benefit of surgery should far outweigh the risks. However, it is important that you understand these in detail so you that you are able to make an informed decision. Learn more.
Custom Made Knee Replacement
Custom Made Knee Replacement

Custom Knee Replacement from Budapest Orthopaedics

ConforMIS Knee Patient Rhianna Ryer

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